Michael + Anne

August 30, 2025 • Gilleleje, Denmark
169 Days To Go!

Michael + Anne

August 30, 2025 • Gilleleje, Denmark
169 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Kristi Jensen
Kristi Jensen - Maid of honor and champagne fairy
Anne's hero, best friend, and big sister - she always brings a good time and is probably the most creative person you'll ever meet. Fun fact: Kristi once made Anne pay her to join her 'helping hands club' where she and friends would walk dogs, mow grass, and babysit for free.
Flemming Caspersen
Flemming Caspersen - Best man
Michael's thought partner, long-standing sports rival, and big brother. Flemming knows most things about most things, has built a literal wine elevator into his living room, and puts Anne and Cas's planning skills to shame. Fun fact: xxx